Saturday, January 24, 2015

Plan B

Was hanging out at my neighbours place this evening. They buy me dutyfree ciggies, and who am I to say no to that? What I didn't expect was that I am their plan B on Monday.

Turns out their babysitting help is sick and they're not sure the after-school people can take her, and they asked me if I would be plan B if it doesn't work out.

Yes, they know very well my view on kids, but on the other hand I've seen this particular one since she was born and think I can teach her a thing or two.

Like cooking. She doesn't know about healthy food, and she certainly doesn't know how to prepare it. So if plan A doesn't work out, she's gonna learn a thing or two about food, whether she likes it or not.

At my place children know their place, if you get my meaning. If she knew about plan B, I'm sure she would protest. Or maybe not.

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