Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Swiss IX

So I sent in the application for the German test, in order to take another step to become a Swiss citizen. Yesterday I got the confirmation that I am "welcome", together with instructions that I must be on time ("pünktliches Erscheinen ist zweingend") and that I must bring a confirmation that I have paid the "Prüfungsgebühr", the 250 francs. Ze Swiss certainly don't make it easy for you.

But they don't know me. I always pay my bills on time and I am always on time for any meeting. In my life I have only missed to pay on time once, and that was when I was travelling a lot, and had once to pay for a Christmas party for the whole company (65 people approx). The credit I had on my bank account wasn't enough, and so the bill didn't autogiro as expected.

Anyway, it took me some time to figure out how to prove to ze Swiss that I have paid. But today I realized I could download a payment in pdf-format, send it to a friend to have it printed, and voila, I can bring it to the test. But then again, how easy wouldn't it be to fake such a document? I'm thinking, wouldn't it be better to have a proper accountant to check their bank account if payments have been made? These days with everybody being online all the time, how difficult can it be?

However, not sure I'll suggest it, since it might have implications on my wanna-be-Swiss-wish.

Wish me luck with ze German test!

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