Monday, October 22, 2007


Ok, time to have a go at the Americans again. Since flatmate had to be physically dragged out of his room to have a drink with birthday girl tonight I decided it was a good idea to go out. And yes, he managed to sit down and toast for about 10 minutes. Eventually. Anyway, when got into town there were these 4 American women. How did I know they were Americans? First, they were loud. Second, they thought they owned the place. And third, one of them looked normalweight, one was overweight and two were obese. Just like the average of the American people, am I right or am I right?


Anonymous said...

Gosh, I'm might be leaving for Zurich for work for a month, and I'm very sorry to hear that's how people (or you) view Americans. That's certainly not an accurate description of all American women (although it's true of some) and I hope that when our new president is elected, the rest of the world will begin to see us in a more flattering light. Best to you in Zurich.

Witchbitch said...

You are welcome to prove me wrong!