Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Thomas Cook stinks too

Remember Cablecom? They stink. Or do they? Since the person with the problem never came back to do a follow-up I'm inclined to let it go. Just hate people who do not follow-up. If you complain, it's your duty to follow it to the end. At least I think so. So I'm willing to let Cablecom off the hook regarding that particular problem. In my eyes they still stink, but now it's only my opinion. Anyway, now I'm shooting at Thomas Cook on behalf of another friend. He bought a trip from them in Germany for 3,500 EUR. That's a lot of money. He paid the bill about a month ago. Then he tried to contact them several times through phone calls and emails, and today he got the message that he still owed them 10 EUR. "For what?" he asked. And they couldn't tell him. Just that 10 EUR was unpaid. So four days before departure he has no ticket. A ticket he paid a month ago. Customer service? Naah. So Thomas Cook, go to hell! And I can assure you that I, or any reader of this blog (I hope :) will never ever attain your services.

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