Friday, October 05, 2007

My ass is back

That salmiakki stuff is really working, so finally decided to go change and get ready to go out. Found my ripped party pants (the ones that cleaning man mended) and thought why not? And felt I really got a good ass in those pants, so did what every girl does (ok, so not always these days but I remember the feeling). I looked at my ass in the mirror. And thought hey! I'll photograph this for my blog readers. Ok, so first I had to work out that I had to turn the camera around to face the mirror and not me. Then I had to find the right angle, and I tell you after this drink that was really difficult. Then my camera has an automatic flash that I couldn't remember how to turn off. So alas, no pic this time. I couldn't be bothered to be honest. Three tries and nothing worked. But good news! Well sorta. I discovered that my ass is not as small as I thought. Probably because I gained some weight overall, but hey! You gotta be glad for the small things in life (so to speak). My ass is back :)

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