Thursday, October 25, 2007


Had dinner with flatmate tonight, soon to be ex-flatmate. He moves on Saturday. I am really very happy for him, although I'll miss him. He's been almost the perfect guy to live with. I was trying to come up with some flaws, and I managed two. First, he puts the spoons in the dishwasher with the heavy bit down so that they collect water and get a ring when drying. Second, he puts his shoes on top of mine so that they get squashed. And I have deliberately not told him about this, because I wasn't bothered about it. I just got into a habit of turning the spoons around before starting the dishwasher and moving his shoes. And yes, the third one. He never ever fills up the coffee machine with beans. See? As close to perfection as you can get. The thing is I know that I have flaws, but he's been too polite to ever tell me. How will I learn to better myself?


John said...

I know he's gonna miss living there too..but hey! He's moving across town...not to London or New York (yet!! :) ) Maybe now you can get him to join you at your place for drinks once in a while.

Witchbitch said...

But I am really happy for him. And we have already decided to have dinner once a week.

Besides, it will be nice to live alone again.