Saturday, October 27, 2007

In my footsteps

Came back from suburbia tonight to Zurich HB (the main station). Going up the escalator there were yellow footsteps painted on each step. I felt like if I didn't put my feet in the painted area I would be arrested. Why do ze Swiss do this? Like people do not know how to ride an escalator? That they have to stand in line? Put your feet here and not outside the yellow paint? There are so many questions, and so few answers...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'In my footsteps'
but sadly its true - people do not know how to ride an escalator .it drives me totally nuts so I quite like the yellow footprints which work in every language, two on one step shows you this is the side to stand on, one on each step the side to walk on (or run if you're like me and always about it miss your train). but even with this helpful indication many people are still too stupid to work it out.