Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Been a busy few days, and just got home. Had dinner with some people in town and we got to talk about trust. Think it is a concept that differs. What is trust really? To me there is only one person in the whole wide world I would trust with my life so to speak, and that's my brother. I trust him indefinitely. But other people? Absolutely not. Yes so ok, I trust different people with different things. Like secrets. Like confiding in somebody because I know the secret will be safe with them. Sure. But only to an extent. Guess I have a trust problem. And mind you, it doesn't come from me not trying, I am a pretty accommodating nature. It's just that I've been proven wrong one too many times. It doesn't stop me from trying though, but I just don't have a general trust in people. And sadly enough, most of the times I'm right not to have. That's the nature of people though. Nobody is perfect :)...


Anonymous said...

the only way to keep a secret is to never tell anyone, ever. Secrets almost always come out eventually, but usually people dont intend to tell but just do. but on the other hand, you're right, people are untrustworthy.

you accommodating? hmmm

Witchbitch said...

Yes I am accommodating. I often invite people for dinner and outings. Not always I'm invited back though...

Anonymous said...

true indeed, but not what I would take 'accommodating' to mean. Its more like when you're willing to do what other people like even if its not what you really want, like visiting another bar and not complaining about it ;)

Witchbitch said...

Once! Guess I'm not perfect :)...and it's just because I know where you can find the most fun!

Anonymous said...

You do know where one can find the most fun! In most cities where we have ever met. That's for sure!

At last a comment from your friend far up north... Melli

Witchbitch said...

Hi there! And welcome to the blog. Eventually!!