Monday, October 22, 2007

Happy birthday to me!

Love you Bro!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Happy birthday to you.

Witchbitch said...

Thank you! You're a true friend. Who remembers me on the right day...will try to repr...what is that word? But you know, try to remember yours on the right day next time :)

Aussie girl, your skill of the English language needed.

John said...

Happy birthday to you Annika!!

I think the word you're looking for is reciprocate. "I'll try to reciprocate"..meaning I'll try to do the same for you.



Witchbitch said...

YES! Thanks John. It is good to have friends with English as mothertongue. Hang on! You're American, so perhaps you'll be less friendly when reading the item above :)...oops.