Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fiscal year

Got an email from a friend the other day, saying that while I was going out, she was doing her tax return. I thought October was a really strange time to do this, so asked as a joke if the fiscal year down-under was July-June. And yes indeed it seemingly is! Isn't that weird? Just because you're in a different time zone doesn't mean you have to turn everything around. Or does it? Yes, their water turns a different way and summer is in winter. Guess it does makes sense. In a way...


Anonymous said...

'fiscal year'
or you could turn everything around and still be in the same time zone, as you'll discover when you go to South Africa next year

Witchbitch said...

Do they also have their fiscal year July-June? I'll go there 2009 springtime.

Anonymous said...

'fiscal year'
wow, you plan ahead!
I dont know, but they have water that goes the other way and summer when you have winter (so I guess you'll be there in Autumn then?)
actually Wikipedia says the financial year is April-March

Witchbitch said...

It's because I'm invited for my friends 50th birthday. Wow! Some of my friends are really old :)