Friday, October 19, 2007


Ze Swiss are not very trusting people. As I wrote about before I applied for an extended permit to stay in this lovely country. My previous 5-year permit expired. This was about 3 months ago. Today I got a letter saying that they are handling my application but need more information. This is what they need: 1. An extract from the police register, that I have a clean sheet. They kindly attached a form that I somehow need to get filled in by an official, together with a bill of 20 CHF that it apparently costs to get this. 2. Extract from something called "Betreibungsregister" which I think has to do with where I lived the past 5 years. 3. Current workplace. They are kind enough to give me time until the 16th of November to provide them with the documents. Less than a month. And they took three months to tell me this. I tell ya. Ze Swiss ain't easy.

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