Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Spanish guy

It's funny sometimes. When one thing is talked about, the same thing keeps on coming up in conversation. Think todays topic is Spain. And anything Spanish. This guy tonight for example. He had mind you lived in Switzerland for 28 years, and spoke what sounded to me like perfect high German (but he still refused to speak Swiss German, I liked him already). Only, he was...hmmm....a bit too Spanish. You know the latin guys. Always a little bit too much. Lightning your cigarette before you even wanted to smoke one. Talking a lot about nothing. Signalling sex before you even shook hands. Thanks but no thanks. Ah gosh, am I getting picky or what? PS. At least he didn't smell like a latin guy. You know the sweet overwhelming smell of perfume?


Anonymous said...

'Spanish guy'
I had a Spanish friend like that, always going on about how beautiful all the girls were, but it just seemed over the top and insincere to the point where you tried to avoid him.

Witchbitch said...

Think he got the point, because he left.