Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Friendship trouble - part II

First of all, thanks for all the great input to my friendship trouble item. I shall now give you an update. 1. She hasn't called back since, but there is a little bit more to the story than I told last time. She is not, how can I phrase it, completely "right-in-the-head". And it is not temporary. I have been supporting her over many many years, but somehow cannot seem to muster the energy to be in close contact anymore. I don't have the strength, since it's been like this as long as I can remember. Will put it on hold for the moment, but she won't completely disappear. That I know. 2. Have now sent a second email to ask how he's doing. Will see if he answers this one. Otherwise plan is to phone him. 3. I did respond to her today on email. Told her that I was disappointed for a long time with the bill not paid and the key not returned. But she was a good friend in a time of need, and that is hard to forget. I will see what she answers (and btw, she might even read this blog since I attached the address!). 4. John commented "if you hang around with dogs, you get fleas". I love this expression. I don't think there will be any more contact with her. Perhaps later on, because never say never. Right now I have enough around me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'friendship trouble II'
ah, the 'not right in the head' bit makes a big difference. Those situations are really hard. Good luck with that, and all the others.