Saturday, October 27, 2007

Work permit

Following up on the work permit application. So I went to the post office, paid 20 CHF and got the stamp. The STAMP. Ze Swiss are big on that. Then I sent the application to the authorities, so that they could on paper tell me that I haven't been in jail the last 5 years. The other paper was not about where I lived (got it translated by a German mind you!) but that I haven't got a bad payment sheet, meaning if you do not pay your bills on time you get reported. I thought this one was easy. Sent an email through a website asking them to send me a confirmation. They answered (wow!) to say phone this number and speak to this person. So did. This person informed me that I had to come there in person or I could apply with a letter. Turns out they are one floor above the "kreisburo" where I first applied for the permit. Mein gott. So now I have to take time off my busy schedule, go there and get another stamp, probably pay something as well. And I'm thinking, they know where I live, my name, they've got my (previous) permit, a copy of a passport, probably my DNA as well, and I still have to go there? Ze Swiss. As lovely as they are, the are FRIGGIN difficult!

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