Tuesday, October 30, 2007

On the bus

Fortunately farting guy was not on it today, but almost worse...kids. Why is it that women (because in this case it's almost always women) have to travel with strollers the size of prairie wagons in rush hour? And don't give me that crap about fetching at pre-school or something, because these are always infants. So there I was, crammed against a dirty wheel of this baby buggy. Charming. While I am always the first to rise and offer my seat to elderly, I am not quite so helpful when it comes to these mothers, so when getting off the bus I suddenly developed a hearing impairment when being asked to help getting yet another one of these buggies on the bus. Ha!


Anonymous said...

'On the bus'
sorry Annika, I'm not the biggest baby fan either, but you are so in the wrong here. That a woman has a baby should not make her some kind of social leper unable to go out at given hours because some people find it inconvenient to see a pusher on a bus. Although I personally would rather not travel in peak hour with a baby there could be any number of reasons why a mother might need to, especially given how crap the child care situation is in Switzerland. Although I agree that if it was possible without the pusher it might be better. Its a bit sad for society when people stop helping other people out especially when it costs them almost no effort.

Witchbitch said...

Social leper in my eyes, that's for sure. Best thing would be if they let the kids out when they are 14 or something.

And what is that blue button on the bus for? I always thought it was a signal to the driver that help is needed with a stroller??

Nope, in this case I stick to my opinion. Never will I help in rush hour when the bus is packed.

Anonymous said...

'on the bus'
well, at least you know all these women with babies are providing someone to pay your pension when you get older

Witchbitch said...

Ain't happening either. I have a private pension. Not gonna let my future lie in somebody else's hands, especially not tiny ones.

Anonymous said...

'on the bus'
thats beside the point since as far as I get it you still have to pay into the AHV, which you will be entitled to when you're 65 or whatever, but if there's no young people around to pay into it there wont be any money for you (even though you've already paid sicne your money is going to people who are old now). besides they're hands wont be so tiny by then, and sadly all of our futures will be in the hands of younger people when we're old.

Witchbitch said...

I have not counted on any pension from the authorities, they cannot be trusted. And I don't mind supporting a few elderly right now.