Sunday, October 28, 2007


My fondue-friends are moving. All the way to friggin Asia. The place where you get arrested if you throw chewing gum on the street. Or spit. Think if I ever went there I would be tempted to spit just because it's forbidden. Not that I spit otherwise, but there I certainly would feel the saliva building up. Of course I'm happy for them, but I hate losing my local friends here. Who would I now stay up until the wee hours partying with? Laugh with? Ah yes, I do have a few more friends luckily. And I think their assignment is only for 2 years. But still. I know from my own experience that once you move, there is no going back. Ever. Just hope I'm wrong this time. And since they are nothing like me, I think they will come back.


Anonymous said...

This is very interesting. Thanks for taking the time to write these lines

Witchbitch said...

I got the feeling this comment was spam, and when clicking on the bush address I realized it was. Sorry, should've deleted it.

Anonymous said...

so true about the no going back, ever, or at least its never the same going back. I find it all very scary I must say, especially since there's places I really do want to go back to.

Witchbitch said...

Yes, you better come back to Zürich!